the scholarship
Our December Playlist featured The Scholarship, a protest play inspired by Black Lives Matter and the Rhodes Must Fall movements, written and performed by Denver spoken word poets and playwrights James Brunt and Cristina A. Bejan.
Presented by Bucharest on the Beltway and the Lulubird Project
november playlist
Welcome to the NOVEMBER PLAYLIST on the theme of Ritual featuring films, plays, and visual art by Iliana Lucero Barron and Adelina Gonzales, Mykai Eastman, Colette Mazunik, and Sky Yarbrough.
Presented by the Lulubird Project
Welcome to the OCTOBER PLAYLIST on the theme of Shapeshifters featuring film, fiction, visual art, poetry, and plays by Josh Berkowitz, Elizabeth Faraci, Ellen K. Graham, Martha K. Graham, Amber Irish, Joe Marci, G.L. Marie, and Shane Rodriguez
Curated by Ellen K. Graham
Our SEPTEMBER PLAYLIST on the theme of Back to School features fiction, film, memoir, and visual art by Rowena Alegria, Sean Michael Cummings, Lisa Wagner Erickson, Grace Gee, Judith Sara Gelt, Rebecca Gorman O’Neill, and Veronica Straight-Lingo
Presented by the Lulubird Project (formerly the Lulubird Project)
The AUGUST PLAYLIST on the theme of Un / Stuck features plays and poetry by Collin I. Hood, Felice Locker, Pamela Nocerino, and Matthew Schultz.
Presented by the Lulubird Project
Communications Solutions: A Story of Extravagant Love - an immersive tale of upper management intrigue, authoritarian coercion, and corporate S&M. Developed and produced by Tami Canaday, Lisa Wagner Erickson, Ellen K. Graham, and Shane Rodriguez, the story unfolded via email, social media and in virtual and visceral reality at Theater 29.
The JUNE PLAYLIST on the theme of Familiar Terrain featuring plays and visual art by Iliana Lucero Barron, Confidence Omenai, and Sky Yarbrough.
Presented by the Lulubird Project
The MAY PLAYLIST on the theme of Elements of Attraction features plays and film by Alex Burkart, Marin Lepore, and Frank Oteri.
Presented by the Lulubird Project
April playlist
The APRIL PLAYLIST on the theme of Beneath the Surface features fiction, animation, visual art, and video plays by Rowena Alegria, Lisa Wagner Erickson, Grace Gee, Ellen K. Graham, and Colette Mazunik.
Presented by the Lulubird Project
Late February/ early March marked the launch of the Gallery 29 Playlist, a multi-arts mashup centered on a monthly theme. Our inaugural MARCH PLAYLIST on the theme of In Pursuit features poetry by Amber Irish, a play by Collin I. Hood, fiber art by Sara Rockinger, and graphic art by Shane Rodriguez.
Presented by the Lulubird Project
Colorado-made video plays
Local playwrights and theatre artists Iliana Lucero Barron and Adelina Gonzales, Molly Bibeau and James Brunt, Tami Canaday, Melissa Lucero McCarl, Pamela Nocerino, and Matthew Schultz have each created and produced a short video-play on the theme of “There’s something I want to show you.”
Presented by the Lulubird Project, LOOK launched as a collection in January 2021.