
Presented by Cypherbird Prjojects (formerly the Lulubird Project)

In November 2020, playwrights and theatre artists Iliana Lucero Barron and Adelina Gonzales, Molly Bibeau and James Brunt, Tami Canaday, Melissa Lucero McCarl, Pamela Nocerino, and Matthew Schultz each began work on a short video-play on the theme of “There’s something I want to show you” using following parameters:

  • Each piece has been recorded by an actor-as-character using a hand-held device like a phone or tablet.

  • Each piece contains an implicit or explicit reason for the recording using a hand-held device.


By Iliana Lucero Barron and Adelina Gonzales

Featuring Iliana Lucero Barron, Iona Leighton, and Bobby Gleason

Your daily morning ritual starts with un Cafecito...at least in America.


By James Brunt and Molly Bibeau

Featuring James Brunt and Molly Bibeau

Following a breakup, Annie begins to document her life using a video diary in hopes that it will help her move on.


By Tami Canaday

Featuring Rhea Amos, with Gordon Reusink

The popular influencer and YouTuber, Claire Calahan, live streams her randonaughting adventure to thousands of her followers.


By Matthew Schultz

Featuring Hart DeRose

An online make-up tutorial influencer returns to the make-up tutorial scene after realizing that materialism is better than the Darien Gap and life has no meaning without likes and subscribes.


By Pamela Nocerino

Featuring Sarah Widmann

A lonely woman feels ignored online, so without any training or talents she stumbles through recording a first vlog of her own,


By Melissa Lucero McCarl

Featuring Maggie Stacy

By following Fiona, a woman makes a thought provoking discovery in the bowels of the rickety old house she lives in.

Lisa Erickson