Welcome to the SEPTEMBER PLAYLIST on the theme of Back to School featuring fiction, film, memoir, and visual art by Rowena Alegria, Sean Michael Cummings, Lisa Wagner Erickson, Grace Gee, Judith Sara Gelt, Rebecca Gorman O’Neill, and Veronica Straight-Lingo.

Content overview: The September Playlist contains a fictitious university (Dissertation Defenders), memories of mental illness (Reckless Steps to Sanity), allusions to bullying and suicide (Janet Cramer, Class Whore), and satire (Cockwomble and Throwing Eggs).


Dissertation Defenders

By Sean Michael Cummings, Rebecca Gorman O'Neill, Lisa Wagner Erickson, and Veronica Straight-Lingo

Directed by Veronica Straight-Lingo

Featuring Sean Michael Cummings, Veronica Straight-Lingo, and Sadie Gracelynn Trigg


RECKLESS STEPS TO SANITY is available at and on Amazon.


Cockwomble by Grace Gee


Click here to access the complete story in the MISSISSIPPI REVIEW PRIZE ISSUE 2018.


Throwing Eggs by Grace Gee

Lisa Erickson