

Welcome to our Colorado DIY Multi-Genre MashUp and introduction to some of the artists of Gallery 29.

Watch, listen, and explore, then consider supporting the local arts community by donating to the Denver Actors Fund emergency relief fund for Colorado theatre artists.


Escape into an excerpt from Rowena Aleria’s 500 Springs.

Escape into an excerpt from Rowena Aleria’s 500 Springs.

Click here to enter a curious animation via John Aden and Ellen K. Graham.

Click here to enter a curious animation via John Aden and Ellen K. Graham.

Experience the piercing and heartfelt poetry of James Brunt

Experience the piercing and heartfelt poetry of James Brunt

Wander into the playroom of Tami Canaday’s Big Eyed Doll, if you dare.


Visiting Jennifer Erickson’s Airport Motel may solidify your desire to stay home.


Interested in a vicarious vacation? Check out Jared Ewy’s A Trip to Mexico


Longing to assess your pre-pandemic loneliness? Try Judith Sara Gelt’s Loneliness Recovery Rubric.


Dive into Unite by ODYLE.


Peruse the opening pages of Charlie by Frank Oteri.


In need of redemption (but not really)? Check out MJ Stacey’s Bible Blog.

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Experience Serpent of Hope, an intriguing tale by Gina Wencel.
